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Tyler's Feet

I am a freelance writer, freelance editor, aspiring author, and a full-time campus minister with the CCO (working with students at Ohio Wesleyan University). I also enjoy speaking to high-school students.

<— These are my feet. On a ferry in Sydney Harbour in Australia. And yes, that's how they spell "harbour," even though my spell check is redlining it right now. (And yet spell check has no problem with "redlining." Interesting.)

I'm a Christian, but I often struggle to live my life in a way that exudes a passionate love for Christ. I try to be honest all the time, but I'm not. Sometimes I suck at loving people. More often, I think I suck at genuinely loving God. Or even understanding how to do so.

I strive to write and speak in a way that will inspire others to lead honest lives, to embrace Christ and live out their faith in a transparent way—something I did not do for most of my life and still struggle to accomplish.

I have very few things figured out, and some days I think that's a good thing. And I'm always interested in exploring possibilities, even if I don't expect to ever be certain about many things.

I have, however, created a list of things about which I am certain. Feel free to peruse and debate them: Certainties

This blog is devoted to my writing, speaking, and the process of writing and pitching my book (tentatively titled, Finally Man Enough to Tell the Truth). I have another blog where I write about books I’m reading, and most often, the TV show Lost. You can check it out here: (As of February, 2010, I’m no longer using that blog. For those interested in my thoughts about Lost, you can now refer to:

Or email me at buckeyetyler (at) (Unless you’re peddling OEM software, Viagra, or some sort of penis enhancement product. Same goes for all you wealthy and very ill people in Nigeria who desperately want to send thousands of dollars to my bank account. My spam filter is diligent and it will devour you and all your friends.)

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