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Monthly Archives: July 2012

(Crickets chirping)

Wow, if I thought this blog mattered to someone, I would feel incredibly guilty about my inactivity. Thank goodness it doesn’t matter.

A lot has changed since that last post two years ago. I still do freelance writing and I’m still trying to finish my book (wow, I can’t believe I haven’t finished that by now..), but I’m also doing full-time campus ministry at Ohio Wesleyan University—working for the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO). And I absolutely love it (and the students I’ve gotten to know in the past year).

What else? Barbie and I bought a house in Delaware (Delaware, Ohio) and have lived here for almost two years. So that’s the biggest purchase I’ve ever made. (Yep. Hello, debt.) 

I’ve gotten to travel a lot in the last year or so: Peru (and Machu Picchu), Vegas (and the Grand Canyon), Philly, Atlantic City, Maine, Denver, and various other places. And I’ve been doing more writing for Relevant Magazine, which has been fun too.

These are all details. And they’re not that interesting, either (but I figure that’s okay since I sincerely doubt, after two years, whether anyone is checking in on this blog with any regularity). But more than the details, God has been doing some things in my heart. Among other things, I’ve been learning a lot about prayer and just how powerful it is. I’ve also become a lot more open to the work of the Holy Spirit—something I would have said I believed in, but without ever really considering it much. And because of these things, my faith feels more alive, more real, than it did before. Which is pretty sweet.

Meanwhile, the Olympics are on right now, and even though I hadn’t written a post in two years, the Olympics won’t be back again for another four years, so I’m going to give them my undivided attention now. Peace.